- Cleveland Metropolitan School District
- CEO Weekly Focus Newsletter
Click on a date below to read that weeks newsletter.
May 6, 2024
Teacher Appreciation Week
- CMSD goes "Blue" for Teachers
Rock Your World with STEAM
- Summer Soundtrack -
December 18
- Students win Scholarships
- Cleveland School of Science and Medicine in the spotlight
- Attendance measures -
December 4
- Cleveland Reads
- Denison Elementary in the Spotlight
- Enrollment and Attendance Measures -
November 20
- Leadership team Announcement
- Strategic Priorities and Core Values
- Ginn Academy in the Spotlight
- Measuring Our Success in Athletics -
November 6
- Election Day on Tuesday
- State of the Schools Address on Thursday
- Veteran's Day observed on Friday
- Family Engagement Month -
October 23
- Riverside Elementary in the Spotlight
- Dr. Morgan accepts challenge to eat a school lunch
- Farm to School Month shines a Bright Light on CMSD Nutrition Plans
- Sports Agent Rich Paul gives advice to Ginn Academy Students -
October 9
- Welcome
- Excellence in Teaching Award Winners
- CEO Town Hall
- Fathers unite for annual walk
- September is Attendance Awareness Month