Many students have an opportunity to participate in a Career Tech Student Organization (CTSO). These organizations support the various pathways offered at CMSD while meeting the  instructional objectives and technical competencies. Ask you school counselor today!

    The organizations also provide an opportunity for our scholars to participate in regional, state, and national competitions.  


    Distributive Education Clubs of America (DECA) is a co-curricular club associated with Markerting Education.  It is designed to promote career awareness and study, interpersonal skills, and civic consciousness through competition, club events, field trips and seminars that the students attend.

    Business Professionals of America (BPA) is a youth club for students enrolled in business occupations.  The club sponsors competitions which recognize achievement and high-level competencies.

    This organization provides the opportunity for the development leadership skills, personal and professional growth, and career-related competencies.

    FFA is an intracurricular student organization for those interested in agriculture and leadership. It is one of the three components of agricultural education.
    SkillsUSA (Formerally VICA) is a state and national organization to develop leadership and realistic career goals and to foster an understanding of the free enterprise system and involvement in community service activities.