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December 18

CEO Weekly Focus

December 18, 2023

Hello CMSD Families and Friends,

One of our five core values is the pursuit of excellence and achievement. The primary measure of that excellence will always be tied to the success of scholars. This reality is why I was elated to learn last week that three CMSD scholars have been awarded full scholarships to three of America’s premier universities.

The scholars who attend Cleveland School of Science and Medicine were named QuestBridge Scholars. The distinction is a high honor that means each of them will receive a full four-year scholarship worth more than $200,000 when they soon embark on their college careers. 

Iz’iah Moore (University of Chicago), Chardon Black (Princeton University) and Alexia Zelada (University of Pennsylvania) are not only close friends, but they are also spectacular examples of the rewards of academic excellence and commitment to hard work. 

We are so proud of these scholars and the many more who are personally showcasing outstanding classroom achievement. There’s a lot of work that remains to be done at CMSD, but knowing the work that our students are performing and understanding the challenges they face makes me proud to lead this school system.  

As the dawn of the New Year quickly approaches, it’s exciting to see benchmarks of CMSD success and the promise of more to come.  Thank you for taking the time to read my newsletter and I want to wish everyone a happy and safe holiday season and a blessed New Year. The newsletter will return on January 8. 

Yours in gratitude,

Dr. Warren G. Morgan


CMSD Calendar

Upcoming Events

Class of 2023 Winter Commencement

Thursday, December 21, 2023

6:00 PM

East Professional Center

Watch the Livestream


Winter Break

December 25, 2023 - January 5, 2024

No School for Students


See full list of events


Special Observances


National Human Rights  Month

National Giving Month

Christmas Day 12/25

Kwanzaa 12/26/23 - 1/1/24



School of Science and Medicine (CSSM)
in the CMSD Board Spotlight

Principal Michelle Perez used her board spotlight at the December 12 Board Business Meeting to highlight the extraordinary medical success of some of CSSM’s recent graduates. She was especially excited to share the story of Nichelle Ruffin, class of 2011.  

Nichelle attended Case Western Reserve University as an undergraduate biology major. In 2020, she became the first African-American student in 30 years to graduate from CWRU medical school. In 2022, Dr. Ruffin became the first female chief resident of Family Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania. In 2023 Dr. Ruffin was appointed to the University of Penn medical faculty.  

Dr. Ruffin has helped blaze a medical trail for many other talented CSSM students, who have also become physicians or are currently in medical school. Principal Perez said that within the next five years, CSSM is on track to have produced 12 medical doctors, most of whom attend or attended CWRU on the Joan C. Edwards Scholarship.

Other insightful data Principal Perez shared included the school’s enrollment demographics, which are 73% female and 27% male, well above the District’s average of 48% female and 52% male. 

Cleveland’s School of Science and Medicine lives up to its name by providing students with a rigorous education and creating opportunities for post-secondary opportunities in science and medicine.  


Measuring Our Progress


Average Attendance rate for

our K-8 schools


Average Attendance rate for

our high schools

Special Note

It has been brought to my attention that there may be unauthorized text messages circulating, claiming to be from me but originating from a different number.

Please be advised that I will only communicate through official channels, and any messages from an alternate number should be treated with suspicion. Do not respond to or engage with such messages. If you receive any suspicious texts, please report them to our IT department immediately at

Your vigilance in this matter is crucial to maintaining the security of our communication channels. I appreciate your cooperation in helping us ensure a secure work environment. 

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