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January 29, 2024

CEO Weekly Focus

JANUARY 29, 2024

Hello CMSD Families and Friends,

America celebrates School Board Recognition Month each January. This is a time when we pay tribute to community members who volunteer countless hours to support public education and advance the academic success of all students by serving on boards of education.  

In the Cleveland Metropolitan School District, we have a talented board of stellar, civic-minded community members, committed to the District’s success.  They each work diligently to ensure that all CMSD students are allowed to achieve their full potential.

One of the features of the CMSD board that makes me especially proud is the incredible diversity of the current membership. Rarely, if ever, in our history has the District’s board been comprised of such diverse educators. They each hail from vastly different life experiences that powerfully reflect the city and its historical roots.  

Whether we measure diversity in terms of age, race, ethnicity, gender, or country of birth, the CMSD board is reflected in each of our District’s Core Values, especially Equity & Inclusion, and a relentless Student & Community Focus.

Since I joined the District last summer, Mayor Justin Bibb has appointed four new highly motivated members to the board. Each of them brings a wealth of talent and wisdom to a school board that was already recognized for excellence.  

President Abraham Lincoln once said the best way to predict your future is to create it. I can attest that the notion of creating successful futures for students is what drives the CMSD board each day.  

I am grateful and proud to work alongside the District’s board of education members. I want to publicly tell each of them how grateful I am for their strategic advice and guidance. Already, with six months here at CMSD, they have pushed my leadership in ways that I have grown and in ways that will continue to allow our District to reach new heights. These civic volunteers do this meaningful work simply because they care about the future of our city and the future of our city’s children. I invite you to enjoy a video created by the CMSD’s Communication Department celebrating our board!

Yours in gratitude,

Dr. Warren G. Morgan


CMSD Calendar

Upcoming Events

K-8 Parent/Teacher Conferences

Wednesday, February 7, 2024

Early release for Students


High School Parent/Teacher Conferences

Thursday, February 8, 2024

Early release for Students


See full list of events


Special Observances


School Board Appreciation Month

National Mentoring Month



Black History Month

Career and Technical Education Month

National Missing Person's Day 2/3

National School Counselors' Week 2/5-2/9


School Spotlight

Euclid Park
in the CMSD Board Spotlight

Principal Jennifer Woody explained the unique mission statement of the Euclid Park Panthers at the January 23 board of education meeting. That mission is to “create a community of leaders by engaging every scholar in their learning and affording them the opportunity to choose special activities of their interests.”

Principal Woody said she closely monitors the daily attendance rate as the school is committed to reaching the District’s five-year goal of an average daily attendance rate of 95%. The school appears to be making some progress in that quest, especially when it comes to reducing chronic absenteeism. Last year, 60% of scholars demonstrated patterns of chronic absenteeism. To date this school year, that percentage has been reduced by 20%.

Current data shows that the school is making progress on both the math and literacy fronts. OST math results over the last couple of years show the number of students described as limited is decreasing; the number of students who are classified as proficient, accelerated, or advanced is growing. The same holds true for the school’s reading progress by OST measures. These outcomes prompted Principal Woody to label Euclid Park a “school of progress.”

Bright spots for the schools include being selected as a recipient of a Verizon Innovative Learning School’s Equity award. Connected to that effort is the school’s ongoing effort to reestablish, reconnect, and rebuild community relationships through innovative endeavors.

To that end, the school will sponsor and host its second annual 5k race and one-mile walk, a fun event that is designed to bring law enforcement and CMSD students together in the spirit of competition and camaraderie.

The Our Lives Matter race is scheduled to occur on Sunday, May 5th. Schedule permitting, CEO Morgan has agreed to participate in the race.

Measuring Our Progress


Instructional Classroom visits (Pulse Checks) by the Central Education Team.


CEO school visits this year out of a total of 102.

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