• CBC: Chief Executive Officer Contract


    As a municipal school district board of education established pursuant to Ohio Revised Code Section 3311.71, the Board of Education of the Cleveland Municipal School District shall appoint the Chief Executive Officer and fill any vacancies occurring in that position with the concurrence of the Mayor of Cleveland.

    An individual appointed to the position of Chief Executive Officer shall have a contract with the Board of Education that includes such terms and conditions of employment as are agreeable to the Board of Education and the Chief Executive Officer, except that such contract shall contain a provision stating that unless the Chief Executive Officer chooses to terminate the contract at a prior time, the Chief Executive Officer will serve at the pleasure of the Board of Education, with the concurrence of the Mayor of Cleveland required for removal. The Board of Education authorizes the annual payment to the Chief Executive Officer of accrued, unused vacation time, if so, provided in the Chief Executive Officer’s contract.

    An individual appointed to the position of Chief Executive Officer of a municipal school district shall not be required to hold any license issued by the Ohio Department of Education.


    • Adopted: June 19, 2019
    • Reviewed: October 22, 2019

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