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- Cleveland Metropolitan School District
- "Health In Motion" PEP Grant
"Physical Education is Important"
The U.S. Department of Education's Carol M. White Physical Education Program (PEP) Grant, is a federally funded grant program designed to award money to local education agencies and community-based organizations to help them initiate, expand, or enhance physical education programs for students in grades K through 12. Cleveland Metropolitan School District was awarded nearly $2.3 million in grant funds over three years. Cleveland Metropolitan School District will implement programs outlined in its application proposal entitled Health In Motion (HHIM). The grant title "Health In Motion" was authored by Ms. Latrice Shield, a physical education teacher at Miles Park.
The Health In Motion project will help our students meet Ohio Department of Education Physical Education Standards by undertaking instruction in healthy eating habits and good nutrition and physical fitness activities that include: (a) fitness education and assessment to help students understand, improve, or maintain their physical well-being; (b) instruction in a variety of motor skills and physical activities designed to enhance the physical, mental, and social or emotional development of every student; (c) development of, and instruction in, cognitive concepts about motor skills and physical fitness that support a lifelong healthy lifestyle; (d) opportunities to develop positive social and cooperative skills through physical activity participation; and (e) opportunities for professional development for teachers of physical education to stay abreast of the latest research, issues, and trends in the field of physical education.
The Health In Motion Physical Education for Progress Grant over the next three years will served approximately 40,000 CMSD students in kindergarten through grade 12. Programs that will take place will focus on increasing students’ physical literacy and daily physical activity as well as their consumption of fruits and vegetables.
The Health in Motion Physical Education for Progress Grant will enabled CMSD to purchase physical education equipment, create wellness centers and a physical education library with resource materials that will increase teachers and student’s growth mindset in physical education. Additionally, CMSD Physical Education Library will provide resources for our students with disabilities and unique needs related to physical fitness (i.e. Brockport Fitness Test ).The Health In Motion Physical Education for Progress Grant will provide a Student Management System for Monitoring and Tracking Student Performance and Achievement in physical education and health.The Health In Motion Physical Education for Progress Grant will create an on-line physical education curriculum that will be implemented in every CMSD K-12 schools. The online curriculum will have modules for assessing and reporting the Ohio Department of Education Physical Education Standards 1-5 by grade level and benchmarks, student pedometer conversions and student progress reports. Included in the online curriculum will be a series of K-12 nutrition-based topics, K-12 Healthy Eating topics and a K-12 Fitness Goal Setting modules. Each series will have lessons, quizzes, assignments and journaling activities in English and in Spanish.
The Health In Motion project administrators will be working with our CMSD Food Service and our community partners Cleveland State University’s Department of Health, Physical Education and Recreation, the City of Cleveland, YMCA, Ohio State Extension SNAP-ED, Alliance for Healthier Generation, CASE, Cleveland Clinic, American Heart Association, American Dairy Association, Greater Cleveland Food Bank, Health Corps, General Mills, and Mt. Sinai. Our partnerships will help us promote the Health In Motion project to the greater community and contribute toward building capacity and ensuring sustainability.
Contact InformationDesiree Powell, M.Ed., PEP Grant Director Desiree.Powell@clevelandmetroschools.org
Lisa Burleson-Longino, M.Ed., PEP Grant Manager (2016- 2018)