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- Cleveland Metropolitan School District
- "Health In Motion" PEP Grant
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Health In Motion Updates
Beyond the Numbers: Health In Motion Physical Education for Progress UpdatesByLisa Burleson-Longino, M.Ed.With the implementation of the project we see the development of our scholars beyond just statistics. We see improvements extending to communities and surrounding area in the Cleveland Metropolitan School District. Relationships are strengthening between the scholars and the schools.- March 2019: Grant Manager, Lisa Burleson-Longino, participated in the SPEAK Out day in Washington DC. Health In Motion project executive summary was presented to Congressman Tim Ryan and Congresswoman Beatty and Congresswoman Fudge to support the appropriation for Title II and Title IV Part A of ESSA. IHT Heart Rate Monitors are improving the self-esteem and self-efficacy of students in CMSD. Parent Wellness Survey created by the Grant Manager and placed on the website and distributed by the FACE Department was completed by 537 parents and the results were presented at the Wellness Meeting. Health In Motion Executive Summary and Updates provided to Ward 7 residents by the Grant Manager during Ward 7 Councilman Basheer Jones State of the Ward Address held on March 29, 2019. City of Cleveland Council has invested more funds in parks and recreation to increase physical activity in youth and their families as well as education on healthier lifestyles to increase wellness.
- February 2019: Marathon Kids presented a professional development on running clubs to teach students in CMSD the importance of goal setting, social support, modeling the way, celebrating and that students of all levels and abilities can participate to realize their greatest potential. CPEW Conference forms completed for approval and SHAPE America and the SEA Summit Conference approved.
- January 2019:Dr. Pangrazi presented a Pedometer and MVPA Professional Development with PEP Grant Cohort 3 Physical Education Teachers. SHAPE America Conference forms completed and submitted for travel approval.
- December 2018: Round One Data Collection for 2018-2019 ended.
- November 2018: Federal Program Officer approved budget for year 3 and for our Grant Manager, Lisa Burleson-Longino, M.Ed., to continue as evaluator, data collector, administrative assistant, and consultant for the Health In Motion Grant due to qualifications. Professional Development held with PEP Grant Cohort 3 Physical Education Teachers in reference to data updates, IHT adidas zone heart rate monitors, MVPA assessments and SHAPE America Conference.
- October 2018: Health In Motion Executive Summary Year 2 submitted with proposed budget carryovers to Federal Program Officer for approval for year 3. Professional Development held with PEP Grant Cohort 3 Physical Education Teachers in reference to data validity and reliability.
- September 2018: Things are off and running in our schools. Teachers in grades K-12 were each given various equipment that they could use in their physical education courses. Daniel Morgan,Garrett Morgan, A.J. Rickoff and FDR participated in the Take your Parent to Physical Education Week held September 24-28, 2018.
- August 2018: As the summer winds down, so do things in the PEP grant office. We were busy this month wrapping up our year end reports that will be due in September and planning for more exciting things for our next and final year of the grant. Professional Development held with all CMSD Physical Education Teachers in reference to Senate Bill 210 and Ohio Department of Education Physical Education Evaluation Data Requirements.
- June 2018: Data Analysis of ODE Physical Education Evaluation for CMSD K-12 schools completed by Grant Manager, Lisa Burleson-Longino, M.Ed. NFL Cleveland Browns and Cooper Institute Grant for 30 CMSD Schools. Just Keep Livin Foundation Grant for 2 schools, Game on Grant Awarded to Wade Park for Nutrition Education Hydroponic physical activity and 5 schools were recognized for excellence in nutrition and physical activity by USDA Food and Nutrition Service.
- April - May 2018: Data Collection Round 2 Submitted by Cohort 2 Physical Education Teachers. Equipment ordered for year two to implement Health In Motion Project. May 2, 2018 Physical Activity Leader Training with SHAPE America Pam Powers for 25 CMSD staff members to serve as local champions for physical activity in their schools
- March 2018: Professional Development on CDC School Health Index and Alliance for Healthier Generation Organization for CMSD Physical Education Teachers. 24 Physical Education Teachers attended SHAPE America Conference in Nashville, Tn. to learn best practices and innovative strategies.
- February 2018: Professional Development on Keep Physically Active and Eat Well for 73 CMSD Physical Education Teachers
- January 2018: Data Collection round 1 for Cohort 2 schools completed. Professional Development held for CMSD Physical Education Teacher on Compliance of Health In Motion and WELNET
- December 2017: Budget Approved and Approval was granted to begin year 2 projects that include purchasing equipment
- September -December 2017: Grant Director, Ms. Desiree Powell,M.Ed. created, revised and submitted and revised and submitted to Budget for Year 2. Exercise Science Labs created at Cleveland Early College High School and Cleveland School of Archietecture and Design and Bard Early College for CMSD scholars to increase moderate to vigorous physical activity and wellness.
- October 2017: Professional Development held for CMSD Physical Education Teacher to enhance teaching. Action for Healthy Kids Grant $42,000.00 for Grab and Go Breakfast implementation in 20 schools.
- September- 2017: Physical Education for Progress Cohort Year 2 Professional Development on Schematic Representation, PEP Grant Teacher Handbook and IHT Heart Rate Monitors. Data Collection begins for Cohort 2 schools.
- July-September 2017: Executive Summary of Year One Completed and has been submitted, once approved we can get started on purchasing equipment and implementing year 2 initiatives. WELNET is fully operational and all CMSD Physical Education teachers have access.
- April -June 2017: CLEVELAND METROPOLITAN SCHOOL DISTRICT HEALTH IN MOTION PROJECT Data Collection Completed and Analysis begins by Grant Manager Lisa Burleson-Longino, M.Ed.
- March 2017: CMSD Wellness Policy passed by the Cleveland Metropolitan School District School Board. Eleven Physical Education Teachers, Two Nurses and One Psychologist attended the SHAPE of America Convention to learn best practices in Physical Education and Physical Activity; Finalizing Plans for training second cohort schools on Health In Motion data collection; Finalizing Professional Development for physical education to increase physical activity and healthy lifestyle in CMSD students for the 2017-2018 School Year; Bard High School Early College physical education teacher Brett Basich and Tremont School K-8 physical education teacher Kathy Jirus both won the 2017 Cleveland Clinic Youth Movement Contest in their respective categories. In second place was Miles Park K-8 physical education teacher Latrice Shield; Forty-one CMSD schools were selected to receive over $40,000.00 worth of resources to implement the Presidential Youth Fitness Program upon completion of Presidential Youth Fitness Program Module; Twenty-three CMSD high schools were nominated for Lift Life; Glenville High School, CMSD students participated in a March Madness Breakfast Challenge sponsored by General Mills; Round One data collection submitted; Plans underway for equipment library for distribution at schools; CMSD Food Service Department held a "March Madness Breakfast Event at six K-8 schools; Veggie U implemented in all second grade classroom in every K-8 schools. Dancing Classrooms strengthen their commitment to CMSD student achievement. Miles Park Physical Education teacher Latrice Shields and Principal Tamika Taylor-Ivory held a Health In Motion Physical Education for Progress Parent/Teacher Conference that held FitnessGram stations and Nutrition stations for parents and scholars. Scholars, Parents, Teachers educated and empowered families to take action in acquiring a healthy lifestyle. Data collection for round 2 completed.
- February 2017: Finalized plans for the Action Based Learning Wellness Room to include Fitness equipment; Nutrition Education is underway for K-8 students about foods that are healthy for our bodies; Alliance for Healthier Generations National Physical Education and Physical Activity Advisor, Mr. Eric Larson, provided professional development on FitnessGram Testing and Brockport Fitness Testing to accompany the manual to over 50 CMSD Physical Education Teachers. Additionally, CMSD physical education teachers were provided FitnessGram and Brockport Fitness Testing protocols, sensitivity, goals setting and the training principles used to achieve improvement in the five components of fitness. Moreover, the Physical Education teachers were taught how to collect and report student's BMI data and track longitudinally; WELNET software purchased to implement a k-12 online data collection system to collect, analyze, and report data to illustrate outcomes and to inform students and parents of progress. Community partnerships are expanding and reinforcing learning outside of school as well as streamline health/fitness/nutrition lessons and messages in-& out-of-school; CMSD staff and families promote practical nutrition through Market Day at CASE with Design Lab administrator and students participating in service learning activities; CMSD Wellness Committee is finalizing the Wellness Policy to be presented to the Board in March. Inventory of all district physical education equipment is under way.
- January 2017: Baseline data collection began; Plans underway for development of Wellness Centers and Family Fitness activities. Ms. Desiree Powell, M.Ed. presented to Wellness Committee the Health In Motion PEP Grant Updates and Lisa Burleson-Longino was hired as the Health In Motion PEP Grant Manager.
- December 2016: Body Fat Analyzers Scales, technology, pedometers and additional FitnessGram tools ordered to begin data collection in January. PEP Grant Director, Ms. Desiree Powell, M.Ed., presented Health In Motion PEP Grant GPRA Requirements and Time and Effort to principals and physical education teachers at targeted K-12 Schools.
- November 2016: Desiree Powell, PEP Grant Director presented “Health In Motion” project to K-12 physical education teachers. NFL Fuel Up Play 60 Professional Development for K-12 teachers.
- October 1, 2016: $2.3 million PEP Grant awarded to implement Health In Motion. Desiree Powell, M.Ed. PEP Grant Director begin working to implement grant initiatives.
Health in Motion was planned and implemented in an effort to address the obesity and sedentary lifestyle affecting 40,000 Cleveland Metropolitan School District's scholars. The Health in Motion project purpose is to get scholars moving and making healthy eating choices by creating a stronger physical education and nutrition education program as well as increasing physical activity opportunities before and after school. In applying for the PEP Grant, three key activities were identified that would help change the nutrition and physical activity of the Cleveland Metropolitan School District (CMSD) scholars. In order to help scholars get active and make healthy choices, CMSD focused on (1) Demonstrating a stronger capacity to deliver a program aligned to state standards; (2) Implementing a more focused physical activity, nutrition and health program; and (3) Creating the necessary data system to track and monitor student success. As a result of the Health In Motion pilot in 6 schools for year one, CMSD's Physical Education teachers are gaining momentum and excitement about implementing the project. As of June 30, 2017, we are pleased to report that we have made large strides toward a healthier school and community in Year 1.
Goal 1: Demonstrate a Stronger Capacity to Deliver a Program Aligned to State Standards
- 67 physical education teachers have been trained in K-12 Physical Education Best Practices presented by Ryan Eldridge, Ohio Department of Education Physical Education Consultant Office of Curriculum and Assessment. Teachers were provided with comprehensive training in understanding backward design and outcomes-based curriculum development/implementation workshop presented by the Ohio Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance Annual State Conference.
- 13 P.E. teachers attended the SHAPE America's (AAHPERD) Annual National Conference.
- 53 P.E. teachers trained on PECAT and HECAT at workshop presented by Eric Larson, Alliance for Healthier Generation National Physical Education/Physical Activity Manager.
- 5 CMSD Physical Education teachers this summer will be attending the Action Based Learning Training and SPARK Institute to become Certified Trainers to provide professional development on cross lateral exercises and nutrition physical activity to physical educators in the district.
- OPEN Curriculum has been implemented and instructional materials has been purchased for a K-12 physical education library loaded with high-quality lesson plans, physical education best practice, nutrition activities and assessments based on national physical education standards that will increase scholar engagement and develop a high quality physical education curriculum to make CMSD Physical Education a National Model for other school district to follow.
- Passage of the Wellness Policy by the CMSD School Board has mandated nutrition education and physical activity programs in all 96 CMSD K-12 schools for the 2017 school year.
- Health In Motion Project implemented Pedometer Logs, Fruit & Vegetable Intake Logs and 3 Day Physical Activity Recalls (3DPAR) in 6 schools to be expanded to 12 schools in the 2017-2018 school year. Our K-12 problem based learning classrooms are integrating project logs in the 2017-2018 school year to improve scholars and communities knowledge of nutrition and physical activity.
- Matthew Mc Conaughey, Just Keep Livin Foundation, selected two high schools to increase physical literacy and physical activity after school for a total of $60,000. The program encourages scholars to make positive life choices to improve their physical and mental health through exercise, teamwork, gratitude, nutrition, and community service.
Goal 2: Implement a More Focused Physical Activity, Nutrition and Health Program
- 1 CMSD school 2017 Cleveland Brown Spring Play 60 Challenge Grand prize Winner , 2 Runner Ups
- 41 CMSD schools awarded $41,000 worth of fitness assessment resources from the Presidential Youth Fitness Program called the Presidential Youth Fitness Tests (PYFT), to assist our physical education teachers in educating and implementing a program that focuses on aerobic capacity, muscular strength and endurance, flexibility and body composition.
- PYFT Assessment results for 6 Health In Motion year one cohort schools will be forthcoming shortly as we wind up Year 1 assessments. Data collections were conducted on every CMSD Scholar within their physical education class.
- 21 CMSD schools implemented Dancing Classrooms. Eight hundred and seven scholars logged in 1000 physical activity minutes and 20 nutrition education classes. Scholars completed a Ballroom Breakfast and performed for their family members.
- 22 CMSD schools implemented an afterschool running club. Three hundred and forty-six scholars participated in 4 nutrition education classes and each one logged in over 2,600 minutes of cardiovascular training in preparation for their participation in the YMCA’s We Run This City.
- Health In Motion Student/Parent/Teacher Conference Fun Night was held at Miles Park by Ms. Latrice Shields, Physical Education Teacher, and Tamika Taylor-Ivory, Principal, where scholars and their families participated in physical activities in the gymnasium and completed FitnessGram stations as well as a nutrition scavenger hunts to help parents, scholars and staff learn about healthy eating and were physically active for one hundred and twenty minutes. We plan on expanding this event to other CMSD K-12 schools moving forward.
- Six K-8 schools implemented “ GIVE ME 10” exercises for everyday in all classrooms to move to , increase physical activity improve mood, energy level and facilitate scholars learning through grade level nutrition lessons and physical activity breaks. This will be expanded for the 2017-2018 school year
- Cleveland Cavaliers Gym Take Over at Michael R. White
- Nutrition and Wellness Fair was held at Artemus Ward hosted by Ms. Sherdina William, CMSD Nurse, where parents, scholars, and staff attended to hear about various nutrition options available at school and in the community.
- Nutrition Challenges held in K-12 schools sponsored by General Mills and Ms. Mary Auger, CMSD Food Service Department to engaged and inspired scholars to eat healthy and be physically active.
- 78 CMSD schools enrolled in the Alliance for a Healthier Generation after implementing project promoting physical activity and healthy eating for scholars and staff. 6 CMSD schools received National Recognition.
- 20 CMSD schools enrolled in and implemented Yoga Zenwork Brain Boosters in classrooms.
Goal 3: Create the Necessary Data Systems to Track and Monitor Student Success
In order to assess scholar’s progress, the CMSD purchased WELNET to assess scholars’ progress towards Health In Motion goals. WELNET is a student tracking software used to record PYFT results and monitor progress from test to test as well as future year-to-year results. We have also purchased MVPA pedometers which have been fully implemented into physical education classes to educate and assess scholars’ physical activity and health and ensure objective, real-time measurement and monitoring. In keeping with real-time measurement and monitoring we have purchased Adidas Zone heart rate monitors and professional development and training will occur in September, 2017 and be fully implemented in the Spring 2018.
Baseline data was collected in Year 1, as well as progress data through two additional collection periods, as required. All Year 1 data collection periods will be completed May 22, 2017. Baseline data collection occurred January 9, 2017 – February 24, 2017. Data collection period two for Year 1 occurred March 1, 2017 – March 31, 2017, and data collection period three for Year 1 started April 18, 2017 and will end May 22, 2017. We simultaneously collected data on all three GPRA measures, as required. Results will be posted in August.
Our Health In Motion Physical project had a slightly slower start than anticipated due to hiring and bidding process challenges, scholar attrition, mobility and lost pedometers. As a result, we adjusted our timeline in January 2017 to ensure the project will be back on track by the end of Year 1. Lisa Burleson-Longino, M.Ed. was selected as our Health In Motion Project Manager and has been doing an excellent job. She has provided a wealth of guidance in implementation and sustainability of our Health in Motion Physical Education for Progress project for the duration of the federal discretionary grant funding.