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- Health In Motion PEP Grant Year 2 Executive Summary 2017-2018
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- Cleveland Metropolitan School District
- "Health In Motion" PEP Grant
- PEP Grant Data Collection
PEP Grant Data Collection
Fitness Data Collection
The Carol M White PEP grant, which is supporting our Health In Motion initiative, requires us to report various physical fitness results from our students. Rest assured, all data collected is completely confidential. The anonymous data will be reported to the federal grant administrators in the form of graphs and charts, and will not use any student names. Just as we measure students’ academic progress, it is important for us to establish a baseline and assess growth in physical fitness. To ensure that CMSD meets PEP GPRA Grant guidelines, we are required to administer three performance measures.
Through the course of the three-year grant, federal grant administrators will be measuring the following performance objectives, with the goal being to promote physical activity and healthy lifestyles for students.PEP GPRA Performance Measures
Measure 1.1:The percentage of students served by the grant who engage in 60 minutes of daily physical activityMeasure 1.2:
The percentage of students served by the grant who meet the standard of a healthy fitness zone as established by the assessment for the Presidential Youth Fitness Program (PYFP) in at least five of the six fitness areas of that assessmentMeasure 1.3:
The percentage of students served by the grant who consume fruit two or more times per day and vegetables three or more times per day
Body Mass Index (BMI)All students in physical education classes in grades K-12 will be assessed annually using the Body Mass Index (BMI) to determine whether they are currently at healthy body compositions. Nurses and/or PE teachers collect each student’s date of birth, gender, height and weight and compare that information to the CDC’s BMI-for-Age Growth Charts and Fitnessgram to determine student BMIs. A report is then generated showing overall population results. This aggregated, non-identified group (not identified by individual student names) information is eventually reported to the state. The same process will be employed for reporting BMI data to the federal government for this grant.
For each data collection period, students will be asked to complete a nutrition survey and FitnessGram testing during their regularly scheduled Physical Education class. In addition to these assessment pieces, students will wear a pedometer for the entirety of their data collection window. Students in grades K-4 will wear the pedometer for 4 consecutive days, while students in grades 5-12 will wear the monitors for 7 consecutive days. These pedometers will measure daily physical activity and give feedback to show time in moderate to vigorous physical activity zones.
This grant provides our district and community with a great opportunity to promote physical activity and healthy lifestyles for our students. If you have any questions or concerns please contact the PEP Grant Manager at (216) 838-2972.
We look forward to this new chapter in our program and I am excited about the impact it will have on the Cleveland Metropolitan School District school communities.Desire Powell, M.Ed.
PEP Grant DirectorDesiree.Powell@clevelandmetroschools.org