• Youth Friendly Online Resources

    When you need sexual health information and you need it right now, you don’t have to to google it. We’ve already done the work for you. Check out these websites that have all the information you need. You can trust the information they provide, and they’re designed just for young people like you.

    216Teens.org is a teen-approved localwebsitewith information about STDs, pregnancy prevention, relationships, puberty, minors’ rights and more. It has a gigantic sexual health glossary, a clinic finder, quizzes and polls, videos, a listing of local health events for teens and much more.

    Amaze.org offers a ton of fun, animated videos to give students of all ages the information they actually want to know about sex, their bodies and relationships. All information provided is medically accurate, affirming and honest. Topics include bullying, STDs, online safety, gender identity and lots more.

    StayTeen.org has information for teens about health, relationships, birth control, STIs, pregnancy, dating and abuse. StayTeen’s sister site Bedsider.org is an online birth control support network recommended for older teens and young adults.

    Planned Parenthood Federation of America provides up-to-date, clear and medically accurate information to help young people better understand their sexual health. Includes easy to understand facts, fun videos, quizzes and apps for smartphones, too.

    SexEtc.org is for teens age 13 to 19. The site offers comprehensive sex-ed information, including stories written by teen staff writers and national contributors, timely and relevant news, forums where teens can participate in moderated discussions with other teens, videos about sexual health, a glossary of almost 400 sexual terms and more.

    TheTrevorProject.org is a national organization providing crisis intervention and suicide prevention services to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and questioning young people.

    TeensHealth.org has a great section for adolescents and teens to learn facts about sexual health, including articles about puberty, menstruation, infections, and birth control.


    More Resources for Students

    You can view or download helpful information on a lot of different topics – from great relationship tips to the legal rights of students to avoiding STD/HIV and unplanned pregnancy. These resources were all created by experts – just for young people like you! (The file name of each downloadable/viewable doc provided in “Student Resources” zip file is next to the description resource listed. Please do not show doc names on the website. Provide clickable thumbnails if possible.)


    Students! Know Your Rights! by the ACLU of Ohio Foundation

    Tu Salud y la Ley: Una Guía para Adolescentes 

    Know Your Rights! A quick guide for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender high school students by the ACLU

    “Consent is …” Be sure you’re clear!

    Dating Basics, a simple guide to relationships by loveisrespect.org

    Healthy Relationships, a great guide by loveisrespect.org

    Condoms, helpful info for teens

    Information for Teens: Staying Healthy and Preventing STDs, quick facts from the CDC

    Building a Support System at Home, a guide by loveisrespect.org