
    Special Education Preschool is provided for children between the ages of 3 years to 5 years old who are eligible for special education and related services.  Students are served through a continuum of program options in the Least Restrictive Environment appropriate for the child. Instructional activities, specialized instruction and early childhood intervention services are provided for each child in accordance with a team developed, specialized Individualized Education Program (IEP). Related services may include speech and language therapy, occupational therapy, physical therapy, and curb-to-curb transportation. Itinerant services in an early childhood education setting are provided when appropriate. 


    Eligibility for the Special Education CMSD Preschool Program requires that children: 

    • Are 3 to 5 years of age and are not eligible for kindergarten* (if the birthday is on or before September 30, 2019, the child is eligible for Kindergarten)

    • Demonstrate a disability or exhibit significant delays 

    • Documented deficits exist in one or more of the following areas :  

    • Communication skills

    • Motor functioning 

    • Social-emotional/behavioral functioning 

    • Cognitive abilities 

    • Adaptive behavior 

    •  Hearing or Vision as determined by a multidisciplinary team through multi-factored evaluation. 

    • The goals and activities of the Special Education Preschool Program represent the cooperative efforts of early childhood intervention specialists, related service providers and parents working together. Each child’s participation in a program that provides readiness, socialization, language and literacy skills as well as meeting individual needs, prepares him or her for success in school. 

    • A variety of therapies can be provided in general education preschool classrooms, self-contained preschool classrooms, at community sites or in the child’s neighborhood school. 

    A parent may refer their child if they have concerns in any of the areas mentioned above with the link below.

    Parent referrals: 

    Any other questions, concerns or referrals, please contact us: 



    East Professional Center, 1st Floor 

    1349 East 79th Street, Cleveland, Ohio 44109 


    Janna Head, Director, Preschool Special Education 


    Office 216.838.1966  

    Cell 216.650.7387


    Lindsey LaFollette, Coordinator, Special Education Outreach - transitions from Bright Beginnings 




    Nicole Bodero Baker, Administrative Assistant - Intake Coordinator for Preschool Assessments 

    Parent Resources: https://www.clevelandmetroschools.org/Page/20851