• Family and Community Engagement (FACE)

  • Family and Community Engagement (FACE) is responsible for the development of programs and strategies to support the meaningful district-wide engagement of families and community stakeholders in The Cleveland Plan. At the core of our work is expanding the capacity of schools to partner with families, stakeholders, and community-based organizations in support of student achievement and school improvement.


    Core Values

    Family and Community Engagement (FACE) is committed to authentic engagement of families/parents and community partners that reflects the following core values:

    • All families have hopes and dreams for their children and want the best for them
    • All families have the capacity to support their children’s learning
    • Families and school staff should be equal partners in the education of children
    • The primary responsibility for building partnerships between home and school rests mainly with school leaders and staff
    • Our community partners and stakeholders are valuable contributors to the education of our students in preparing them to compete in the 21st Century Global Economy and are critical to the success of The Cleveland Plan and the continued vitality of the region.


    Every school will welcome every family and student (regardless of race, ethnicity, religious beliefs, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, linguistic differences, or family structure).  They will work to actively engage families, stakeholders, community agencies, and volunteers as partners in student learning and school improvement.


  • Become a Parent Ambassador!

    CMSD is hiring Parent Ambassadors to support all our schools.

    This position is part time (15 to 25 hours a week), you must be a parent or legal guardian of a child currently enrolled at Cleveland Metropolitan School District, and engaged at your child's school. It pays $15 an hour.

    Please speak to your school administrator about your desire to apply for this position.

    Click here to fill out the application.

    Contact Carla Hempstead, Director of FACE, for more information. 216.278.8705 carla.hempstead@clevelandmetroschools.org