• Meal Requirements

    School meals are healthy meals that are required to meet the Dietary Guidelines for Americans. The Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010 (HHFKA) was signed into law with the intent to help fight child obesity and encourage healthy eating habits. HHFKA required the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) to update nutrition standards for school meals. School Nutrition enforces the nutrition standards at every school building in the District:
  • For more detail, please click here to view the School Nutrition Association's standards on school meal nutrition.


    • Whole Grains

    • More Fruits & Vegetables

    • Age-Appropriate Calorie Minimums & Maximums

    • Gradual Sodium Level Reductions

    • Limits to Unhealthy Fats

    • Low-Fat & Fat-Free Milk

    • Free Water

  • School Nutrition implements Offer versus Serve at all CMSD food service sites during Breakfast and Lunch.

    Breakfast: Students will be offered 4 different items. They must select 3 of these items and 1 MUST be a fruit or vegetable.

    1. Fruit or Vegetable
    2. Meat or Meat Alternate
    3. Grain
    4. Milk

     Lunch: Students will be offered 5 different food components. They must select at least 3 different items and 1 MUST be a fruit or vegetable.

    1. Fruit
    2. Vegetable
    3. Meat or Meat Alternate
    4. Grain
    5. Milk 

    For more information on Offer Versus Serve, please review the Offer Versus Serve Guidance documentation here