- Cleveland Metropolitan School District
- HEART Champions 2023-2024
- HEART Champions July 2023
The Communicate with H.E.A.R.T. service delivery model provides the tools and skills needed for all Educators when communicating with the various stakeholders who interact with the district. The focus on fostering exceptional customer service delivery continues, as we strive to build on the momentum to attract and retain satisfied parents/caregivers to the CMSD experience.
We extend congratulations to each of the HEART Champion honorees awarded during the 2023 summer session. These Educators were nominated for their exceptional demonstration of the S.T.A.R.T. with Heart and Respond with H.E.A.R.T. practices. We also extend a special salute to the CMSD Educators who received Honorable Mention, Click Here to view this list and photos from the surprise visits made to the Summer Learning and Central Office work sites to honor our HEART Champions. Those Champions not at a work site for the summer, received their certificate and gift bag via U.S. mail.
Thank you CMSD for continuing to embrace the mission – congratulations to the HEART Champion honorees listed here!
Robyn Ballew
Support Specialist – Hearing and Appeals, Legal Office
April Daniels- Ramsey
Specialist II, Hearing and Appeals
Leah Baxendale
Manager Scheduling- Strategic School Resource Alignment
Melanie Nakonachny
Principal, Mary M. Bethune Elementary School
Delarisia Bruce
Assistant Principal -
Mary M. Bethune K-8 School
Sandra Boyd
Lisa Garner
Instructional Aide PCIA,
Contractor Cyber Security – Division of Information Technology
Brittany Chisholm
Instructional Aide, PCIA - Mary B. Martin Elementary
Adina Fertig
Psychologist, Health Services
Mayele Degaule Ngemba
Teacher Secondary - John Marshall School of Civic and Business Leadership
Debra Turner
Officer, Safety and Security
Tammara Hill
Specialist, Ombudsman Office - Engagement Division
Tommiesha Winston
Engagement Specialist – Customer Experience
Precious James
Administrative Specialist - Office of Contract Implementation
Audrey Stanton- Thompson
Executive Director – Office of Contract Implementation
Laurelle Mayes
Nonpublic Schools Coordinator - Office of Psychological Services
Dr. Mary Ann Teitelbaum, & Carloyn Hendricks
Director, Psychology Services
Teacher Intervention Specialist
Yesenia Perez
Officer, Safety and Security - Lincoln West Science and Health
David Spanos
Registered School Nurse, Health Services
Amber Rossero
Assistant Principal - John Marshall of Civic &Business Leadership
Julia Alldredge
Executive Assistant, Network Team HS # 1 / K-8 #3
Teyrem Santos
Instructional Aide-Joseph Gallagher K-8 School
Amy Such
School Psychologist
Scherhera Shearer
Specialist III- School Choice and Enrollment
Patricia Smith
School Secretary
Dr. Mary Ann Teitlebaum
Director, Psychological Services
Anneliese Coleman
Samantha Walker
Partner Substitute Center, Talent Division
Lucitta Cummings
Coordinator, Employee Benefits
Sarah Wallace
Program Manager - Career and Technical Education
Rita Mikita
Coordinator, Fab Lab
Stacy Clark- Warren
Senior Security Specialist – Information Technology
Jackie Cox
Manager, Partner Support and Programs- Academics

See the Honorable Mentions here
Honorable Mention
Tamara Bates
Manager, Transportation
Debra Flak-Sedlak
Office Assistant II/ Transportation
Kathleen Benedict
Support Specialist/ Special Education
Carolyn Hendricks
Teacher, Intervention Specialist
Nicole Bodero-Baker
Office Assistant I/ Student Services
Toni Brown
School Nurse/ Nursing and Health Services
Anthony Brown
Coordinator/ FACE
Odell Brown
Senior High School Principal/ Cleveland School of Architecture & Design
Octavia Edwards
School Secretary/ John F. Kennedy
Anedra Robinson
Teacher/ Speech and Hearing Therapist/ Student Services
Kawanis Fitzgerald
Lead Driver II/Transportation
Maureen Anderson
Teacher, K-8 Physical Education
Tiffany Foote
School Secretary/ Mary B. Martin Elementary
Tracy Reid
Teacher, Child Development/ Mary B. Martin
Youlanda Ford
Talent Management Partner/ Operations
Anthony Lawson
Cleveland Resident
Olivia Gardener
Intervention Specialist/ Anton Grdina
Terrancia Cloud
Paraprofessional (ED)
Wendy Geiling
Assistant Principal K-8/ Garfield Elementary
Mary Handley
Teacher K-8 English Secondary Language/ Garfield Elementary
Laura Gladdin
Teacher Kindergarten/Whitney M. Young Pre-K-8
Melissa Damm-Young
Community College and Career Center Coordinator
Monica Grays
Teacher, Itinerant (Gifted)
Tracy Reid
Teacher, Child Development
Carolyn Henderson
Environmental Service Specialist , Operations
Don Smith
Teacher, Secondary ESL/ Garrett Morgan School of Engineering & Innovation
Nakia Maddox
Paralegal/ Legal
Audrey Staton-Thompson
Executive Director, Contract Implementation/ Academics
Karinoir Mallory
Manager, Student Assignments/ Student Services
Andre Rudolph
Administrator on Assignment
Akii Maanda
Instructional Aide/ Joseph M. Gallagher
Asha Neema
Instructional Aide/ Joseph M. Gallagher
Natalie Medina
Paraprofessional (MF) /Lincoln West School of Science and Health
Pia Campbell
Substitute Paraprofessional
India Moore
Contractor Account
Heather Kama-Starr
Elementary Assistant Principal K-8/ Riverside
Heather Mullapudi
TeacherK-8, Model Lead Data Specialist/ Academics
Ann Stevenson
Psychologist/ Student Services
Neil Murphy
Instructional Aide (PCIA)/ Paul L. Dunbar
Patricia Tilow
Humanware Partner
Maria Ivelisse Perez
School Secretary/ Artemus ward
Maritza Nieves
Licensed Practical Nurse
Tracy Queen-Tabor
Manager of Electronic Assessment
Adrienne Crisp
Teacher, Intervention Specialist (CD)/ Max S. Hayes High School
Angelo Santana
Customer Service Representative, IT
Rita Leskovec
Teacher K-8/ Warner Girls leadership Academy
Shelly Swarm
Intervention Specialist/Orchard
Melissa Damm-Young
Community College and Career Center Coordinator
Eric Taylor
Executive Director/ Transportation
Debra Flak- Sedlak
Office Assistant II/ Transportation
Denyse Tilford
Teacher, Intervention Specialist / Glenville High school
Marianne McMillan
Guidance Counselor/ Glenville High School