• Prek-8 STEM Initiative

    PreK Stem
    The Cleveland Metropolitan School District has taken an exceptional approach combining the technology of Fab Lab with Project Based Learning at five K-8 STEM (Science Technology Engineering and Math) schools as vehicles for students to achieve academically and master 21st Century STEM skills.
    The five schools include:
    This innovative approach is designed to capitalize on success at CMSD’s MC2 STEM High School, developed as a platform school to disseminate STEM knowledge and pedagogy to the five K-8 district STEM schools. By introducing a STEM academic environment school wide that follows the same Design Principles and academic approach as MC2 STEM, student achievement will increase. The goal is to create a pipeline of students prepared, knowledgeable, and skilled in the areas of Science, Technology, Engineering and Math. STEM K-8 students will be critical thinkers, problem solvers, and prepared to reach their fullest potential.

    Core to the exceptional approach at the CMSD K-8 STEM schools is the implementation of transdiciplinary Project Based Learning school-wide. The benefits of Project Based Learning (PBL) are that it motivates and interests students by giving them the opportunity to solve problems in multiple ways encompassing all types of learners and ability levels. PBL projects give learners the opportunity to work relatively autonomously over extended periods of time and culminate in realistic products or presentations that meaningfully address the driving question. PBL environments include authentic content, authentic assessment, teacher facilitation but not direction, explicit educational goals, collaborative learning, and reflection.

    The students in the CMSD K-8 STEM schools will be prepared to succeed in more rigorous high school coursework. This will lead to greater success later at college and in careers. In addition, STEM education at the K-8 level is the first step in meeting an overall need for a STEM capable workforce to develop a strong and growing STEM economic-sector based economy for Northeast Ohio. Nationally and locally.

    Contact for the PreK-8 STEM Initiative:


    Dr. Terri Wade-Lyles Ed.D
    Curriculum and Instruction Manager Science Education, Grades K-8
    Office: 216.838.0295 | Cell:216-256-3717 |  Email


    Kirsten Mahovlich 
    Curriculum and Instruction Manager, Science Education Grades 8-12
    Office: 216.838.0294 | Cell: 216-849-8070 | Email