Section B
Page Navigation
- Policies by Section
- BCA: Board Organizational Meeting
- BCC: Office of the Chief Financial Officer
- BCF: Citizens Advisory Groups to the Board of Education and District Personnel
- BCH: Counsel and Consultants to the Board
- BD: School Board Meetings
- BDC: Executive Sessions
- BDDA: Notification of Meetings
- BDDC: Agenda Preparation and Dissemination
- BDDG: Minutes
- BDDH: Public Participation
- BDDI: Print and Electronic News Media at Board Meetings
- BF: Board Policy Development, Adoption and Review
- BHD: Board Member Compensation and Expenses
- BI: Board Member Code of Conduct
- Cleveland Metropolitan School District
- BDDG: Minutes
BDDG: Minutes
The minutes of the meetings of the Board constitute the written record of Board actions. The Chief Financial Officer records in the minutes of each meeting all actions taken by the Board. In the absence of the Chief Financial Officer, the Board shall choose from among its members a Treasurer pro tempore who shall be responsible for the minutes.
Minutes shall specify: the nature of the meeting (regular or special), time, place, members present, approval of minutes of the preceding meeting or meetings, the complete record of official actions taken by the Board, communications other than at executive sessions, business transacted and a record of the adjournment. Minutes should only record the general subject matter of discussion at executive sessions. The minutes shall include the motion, the name of the member making the motion and the name of the member seconding the motion and record the vote as required by law.
The minutes shall be signed by the Board Chair and attested to by the Chief Financial Officer, following approval of the minutes by the Board.
The official minutes shall be kept by the Chief Financial Officer, who shall, after approval by the Board, make them available for inspection upon request, pursuant to the provisions of Ohio Revised Code Section 121.22.
- Adopted: October 4, 2001
- Amended: May 26, 2009
- Reviewed: October 22, 2019
Legal References