• DJC: Bidding Requirements


    Contracts for purchases which equal $50,000 or more are awarded only after formal competitive bids are solicited and received in compliance with Federal and State law. However, under certain circumstances, as set forth by law, competitive bidding is not required.

    Purchases over $2,500 but under $50,000 should be based on written price quotations submitted by at least three vendors. These quotations are treated confidentially until the deadline for filing is past; thereafter, they are public information. Purchases under $2,500 may be based on telephone quotations.

    The Purchasing Division of the Department assembles the proper specifications and makes the necessary arrangements for public bidding and price quotations. The Chief Financial Officer or his/her designee receives the bids and price quotations and records them. The Chief Executive Officer makes his/her recommendations to the Board. Upon approval by the Board, he/she processes encumbrances to those bidders awarded contracts and notifies the other bidders of the results of the bidding.


    • Adopted: May 16, 2002
    • Amended: December 17, 2019

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