• EDEB: District-issued Devices


    The District adopts a program to issue devices to students and staff to support curriculum goals on and off District property.

    This policy applies to all District-issued devices and provides information to schools, students, families, and central office staff on district-issued device use and accountability standards, responsibilities, and expectations. The District provides every student enrolled starting from the Pre-Kindergarten level a device. The District’s device standard per grade level or instructional program determines the device type (e.g., Chromebook, Windows Laptop, iPads). In addition, the District provides devices to staff members that require them for their job responsibilities. The device may vary depending on the position.

    The Board directs the Chief Executive Officer or designee to develop procedures to comply with audit needs associated with training, asset management, or other requirements.

    Device Expectations

    Acceptable Use Policy

    Students and staff shall adhere to the Internet Acceptable Use and Safety Policy for Students and Staff (IAUSP). Violation of the IAUSP may result in disciplinary action. Students and staff must use the District’s information resources and technology in a responsible, efficient, ethical, and legal manner that supports the mission of the District. Students and staff may not remove, try to circumvent, or tamper with any District device or security controls.


    The electronic device is the property of the District. Students and staff must use devices as educational tools or support learning objectives. Students or staff who do not use their device as an educational tool or support may lose privileges on a non-discriminatory basis. The District reserves the right to demand the immediate return of the equipment.

    Notification of Electronic Device Procedures

    The District annually notifies students and parents or guardians of this policy, including information on the student and parental responsibilities for electronic devices. Notification may include school handbooks, newsletters, and other communications to parents.

    The District provides staff information on electronic devices and acceptable use as part of annual training requirements.

    Asset Management

    All electronic devices are the property of the District. The District issues devices to students and staff using device management software. This software maintains an electronic record of all devices. Students and school staff must sign and acknowledge the receipt of a device, and schools must keep this record on file. The District coordinates and maintains records of non-school staff acknowledgment.

    Each principal designates a staff member to support device management in the building, including an electronic record of materials issued or scanned out through the District device management software.

    The District initiates electronic device checks in collaboration with schools. Students and staff may be liable for damaged, lost, or stolen devices on a non-discriminatory basis.

    In a public health emergency or other extenuating circumstances, the Chief Executive Officer or designee may modify the device policy as needed to facilitate instruction. 


    • Adopted: May 24, 2022

    Legal References