• EGAC: Telephone Services


    The District provides cell and wired telephone services for official use.

    The District periodically audits telephone services bills for accuracy and compliance purposes. Personal calls, texts, or data usage that result in charges outside of standard monthly billing charges are the responsibility of employee making calls or incurring the expenses. These charges may include international calls, pay for access, information charges, or entertainment charges.

    Mobile Phones

    The District provides cell phones to some staff to complete their job duties. All devices and data on these devices are property of the District. The Board authorizes the Chief Executive Officer or their designee to develop administrative guidelines for cell phone use.

    Public Records

    Mobile phone users who use their District or personal device to access District systems and information should have no reasonable expectation of privacy. In the event of a security incident, a records request, District litigation, or other District need, a user may be asked to turn over their device for inspection or data extraction. The District discourages the use of District business on personal devices, including email or phone calls, except in an emergency situation.

    Wired Phones

    The District installs wired phones in offices and other locations in each building primarily for safety and security. The Board authorizes the Chief Executive Officer or their designee to develop administrative guides for wired phone usage.

    The use of District desk phones for personal purposes during work hours is prohibited.


    • Adopted: May 24, 2022

    Legal References
