Section G
Page Navigation
- Policies by Section
- GA: Personnel Policies Goals
- GBA: Equal Opportunity Employment
- GBC: Code of Ethics
- GBCA: Staff Conflict of Interest and Improper Compensation
- GBCAA: Conflict of Interest in Contracting and Purchasing
- GBCB: Staff Conduct
- GBCD: Whistleblower Protection
- GBE: Staff Health and Safety
- GBG: Employee Participation in Political Activities
- GBI: Staff Gifts and Solicitations
- GBK: No Tobacco Use on District Property
- GBL: Personnel Records
- GBP: Drug-Free Workplace
- GBQ: Criminal Records Check
- GBR: Family and Medical Leave
- GC: Professional Staff/Administrators/Support Staff
- GCA: Collective Bargaining Representation
- GCBB: Professional Staff Supplemental Contracts
- GCBD: Professional Staff/Administrators/Support Staff/NonUnion Leaves and Absences
- GCBE: Paid Time Off
- GCC: Professional Staff/Administrators/Support Staff/NonUnion Recruiting/Posting of Vacancies
- GCD: Staff Hiring
- GCI: Professional and Support Staff Assignments and Transfers
- GCL: Staff Development
- GCN: Evaluation of Staff
- GCNA: Evaluation of School Counselors
- GCP: Separation Pay
- GCPA: School-Based Administrators Reduction in Force
- GCPD: Suspension, Demotion and Termination of Staff
- GCQI: Sick Leave Donation
- GDBA: Staff Salary Schedules
- GH: Telework
- Cleveland Metropolitan School District
- GC: Professional Staff/Administrators/Support Staff
GC: Professional Staff, Administrators, and Support Staff
Professional Staff
All professional staff positions are created only with the approval of the Board and require an educator’s license. Professional staff includes school-based administrators, such as principals and assistant principals. It is the Board’s intent to maintain a sufficient number of positions to accomplish its goals and objectives.
Before any new position is filled, the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) shall present the candidate to the Board for approval.
The CEO or their designee shall keep all job descriptions current.
The Board recognizes that there are administrators employed by the District, who do not perform administrative functions primarily within one school building. These non-school-based administrators are appointed by the CEO; have contracts with the District, the terms and conditions of which are agreed to by the administrator and the CEO; are evaluated by the CEO; and serve at the pleasure of the CEO.
Support Staff
All support staff are personnel who do not need teaching licenses issued by the state in order to hold their positions or who do not hold an administrator’s contract (including administrators, supervisors and professionals in fields other than education). Some support staff are considered “classified” positions that are covered by Ohio civil service laws.
Before any new position is filled, the CEO presents the candidate to the Board for approval.
The CEO or their designee keeps all job descriptions current.
- Adopted: June 23, 2020
Legal References