• GCPA: School-Based Administrators Reduction in Force


    Under Ohio Revised Code (O.R.C.) Section 3319.171, Boards of Education may adopt a policy governing reductions in force requiring the suspension of the contracts with certain school-based administrators.

    In accordance with O.R.C. Section 3319.171, the Board adopts the following requirements for reductions in force affecting principals, assistant principals, “other school-based administrators” as defined by O.R.C. Section 3319.02 and all other non- licensed employees who qualify as supervisors or management level employees pursuant to O.R.C. Section 4117.01. This policy is not applicable to administrators who are appointed by the Chief Executive Officer and who serve at the Chief Executive Officer’s pleasure pursuant to O.R. C. Sections 3311.72(C) and (D).


    Reasons for Suspension of Contract - An administrator covered by this policy may be suspended for any of the following reasons:

    • Financial reasons of the District;
    • Return to duty of regular administrators after leaves of absence;
    • Suspension of schools;
    • Closing of schools;
    • Decreased pupil enrollment;
    • Redistribution and/or realignment of pupil enrollment;
    • Territorial changes affecting the District;
    • Consolidation of administrative positions, duties or functions;
    • Merger of programs, schools or positions; and,
    • Re-purposing schools, buildings or programs.

    Procedure - Contracts for those administrators covered by this policy shall be suspended at the sole discretion of the Board after considering the recommendations of the Chief Executive Officer. In making recommendations, the Chief Executive Officer shall consider the following;

    • Education;
    • Licensure;
    • Prior documented expertise;
    • Documented evaluations, counseling, and commendations;
    • Demonstrated leadership, integrity, professionalism and judgment;
    • Demonstrated success of students; and
    • The employee’s number of administrative years of service in the District.

    The above factors shall be considered in a manner that is designed to best meet the needs of the District at the time. No single factor shall be determinative.

    Restoration - An administrator whose contract is suspended pursuant to this policy shall be eligible for restoration to a similar administrative position for a period that is equal to the amount of time that remains on the administrator’s contract at the time of the suspension. An administrator will be restored if he or she is the best candidate for a posted vacancy as determined by the District. Determinations as to whether an administrator is the best candidate shall be based upon the following factors:

    • Education;
    • Licensure;
    • Prior documented expertise;
    • Documented evaluations, counseling, and commendations;
    • Demonstrated leadership, integrity, professionalism and judgment;
    • Demonstrated success of students; and
    • The employee’s number of administrative years of service in the District.

    The factors shall be weighed in a manner that is designed to best meet the needs of the District at the time. No single factor is determinative.

    If and when such positions become vacant or are created for which such employees are or become qualified, the ultimate decision to restore will be made by the Board based upon the recommendation of the Chief Executive Officer and based on the needs of the District as stated above. If an administrator or supervisor is not selected for a vacancy, they shall return to the restoration list for the remainder of their limited contract period.

    Nothing in this policy is intended to impair the ability of the Chief Executive Officer to terminate the employment of any administrator appointed by the Chief Executive Officer to an “at will” administrative position under O.R.C. Section 3311.72 (C).


    • Adopted: June 8, 2004
    • Amended: December 15, 2009; June 23, 2020

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