• GCC: Professional Staff, Administrators, Support Staff, and Non-Union Recruiting and Posting of Vacancies


    Because the quality of the staff hired by the Board is the major component of an effective, productive educational program, the Board and the administration of the District make efforts to attract and retain qualified personnel. A qualified applicant shall be defined as one who fulfills all state and District requirements for the position.

    The Board expects the Chief Executive Officer (CEO), with the assistance of the administrative staff, to determine the personnel needs of the District and the individual schools and to recruit the best qualified candidates to recommend for employment.

    Recruitment shall be directed both to those not currently employed by the District and to those currently employed by the District. No preference shall be given to candidates currently employed by the District. Open positions will be posted as determined by the negotiated agreements, when applicable, via internal sources. Internet and newspaper(s) and may be posted for a minimum of five days. Any current employee may apply for any position for which he/she has the required certification and meets other stated requirements. All candidates shall be considered on the basis of their merits, qualifications and the needs of the District.


    • Adopted: May 2, 2002
    • Amended: June 23, 2020

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