• IF: Curriculum Development and Adoption


    The District continuously reviews and updates all courses and competency-based programs. As part of this periodic review and continuing development of the District's curriculum, District personnel shall adhere to the District's educational goals (i.e., Vision for Learning, Profile of a Graduate) to review and align all existing materials, including curriculum guides and course studies, with the District's academic content and performance standards.


    The educational philosophy and goals approved by the Board are the foundation of curriculum planning. Staff members develop specific objectives, and the Board considers input from parents and guardians, community members, and other stakeholders. Such planning must also consider the legal requirements for students in basic subjects and educational needs (including but not limited to language proficiency, disability, giftedness) to maximize access to curriculum and courses of study for all students.  The Board expects the professional staff to implement courses of study that promote the District's educational goals and comply with legal requirements.


    Legal responsibility for the adoption of curriculum resides with the Board. The Board assigns responsibility for such curriculum development to the Chief Executive Officer. The Board considers and acts on new courses and programs as recommended by the Chief Executive Officer. It officially approves courses of study for all subjects as required by the law.


    The Chief Executive Officer supervises the evaluation of the curriculum. The District evaluates courses of study on a rotating basis. In addition, the Board may initiate studies of prospective new courses and curriculum revisions.


    • Adopted: April 24, 2001
    • Amended: March 29, 2022

    Legal References