• IIBH: District Websites and Social Media


    The District recognizes that appropriate use of website and social media platforms representing the District can promote the District’s various educational programs, enhance learning environments, and convey important information to District stakeholders. Therefore, the Board authorizes the

    Any website or social media platform established by any District employee purporting to represent the District or any of its programs, schools, or departments must comply with the regulations outlined in this policy.

    District Authorization and Registration

    The Chief Executive Officer or designee must authorize all websites or social media platforms. The school or department must register the platform with the District. Registration includes a description of the website or social media platform, the entity represented (i.e., District, school, program, department), the username and any login information required to access the website or platform, and the names of all employees capable of accessing or administering the website or platform. The school or department must report any changes to the District.

    The Chief Executive Officer or designee may make or require modifications to any District, school, program, or department website or social media platform. Changes may include name, location, administrative accessibility, public accessibility, or content as they deem appropriate to serve the best interests of the District and subject to any related limitations of the law.

    Any District employee who maintains or administers any website or social media platform purporting to represent the District or any of its programs, schools, or departments without complying with these authorization and registration requirements may be subject to disciplinary action.

    If a District employee who maintains or administers a registered website or social media account ceases employment with the District, the employee must appropriately transition the website or social media platform’s administrator access and login information.

    Accessibility of Website

    The District is committed to ensuring the accessibility of its website for students, parents, and members of the community, including individuals with disabilities, particularly those with visual, hearing, or manual impairments.

    Consistent with this goal, the District has adopted standards to determine whether its online content is accessible. The District has committed to ensuring its websites conform to the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) Web Accessibility Initiative’s (WAI) Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0, Level AA.

    The District designates its Web Accessibility Coordinators as the individuals responsible for implementing and overseeing District compliance with web accessibility. The District ensures the Web Accessibility Coordinators have sufficient resources and authority to coordinate and implement the objectives of these procedures.

    Advertising or Sponsorships

    The Chief Executive Officer or designee must approve any advertising or sponsorships on the District’s website. Use must be consistent with District policies and guidelines for other District publications.

    Public Feedback, Response, and Comment

    The District encourages its students, families, and community members to actively engage in the District’s website and social media platforms. However, the District also recognizes certain types of engagement may be inappropriate or may fail to further the District’s mission to its students and families. District websites and social media platforms frequently provide individuals opportunities to post feedback, responses, or comments on such websites or platforms. This engagement creates a moderated forum that allows for the administrative deletion of any feedback, response, or comment that:

    • Contains inappropriate, sexual, or vulgar language or imagery
    • Includes links to non-District websites or platforms
    • Contains advertisements for any event, service, product, or company not authorized by a contract with the District
    • Contains any threat or disparaging remark against a District employee, student, or family
    • Is wholly unrelated to the subject of the prompt, article, website, or social media post to which it provides feedback, responds, or comments
    • Contains content that discriminates against a person or group based on a protected classification

    The Chief Executive Officer or designee can decide whether a response or comment meets the criteria. If any feedback, response, or comment on a District website or social media platform is determined to meet one or more of the above criteria, the District will delete it.

    If an employee, student, family member, or community member believes any particular feedback, response, or comment meets one or more of the above criteria, they should report the concern directly to the District. Upon receiving a report, the District will review the reported issue and determine whether to delete it. The District maintains a list of deleted feedback, responses, or comments and the reason for deletion. The District does not delete any feedback, response, or comment that does not meet one or more of the above criteria.


    • Adopted: May 24, 2022

    Legal References