Section I
Page Navigation
- Policies by Section
- IA: Instructional Goals
- IB: Academic Freedom
- IC: School Calendar and Day
- IE: Organization of Facilities for Instruction
- IF: Curriculum Development and Adoption
- IGAB: Human Relations Education
- IGAC: Teaching about Religion
- IGAG: Drugs, Alcohol, and Tobacco Education
- IGAH: Family Life Education and Sex Education
- IGBA: Programs for Students with Disabilities
- IGBB: Programs for Students Who Are Gifted and Talented
- IGBE: Remedial Instruction
- IGBG: Home-Bound Instruction
- IGBH: Nontraditional Education Programs
- IGBI: English Learners
- IGBJ: Title 1 Programs
- IGBL: Family Engagement
- IGBM: Credit Flexibility
- IGCD: Educational Options
- IGCF: Home School
- IGCH: College Credit Plus
- IGCI: Community Service
- IGD: Cocurricular and Extracurricular Activities
- IGDB: Student Publications
- IGDC: Student Social Events
- IGDF: Fundraising, Crowd Funding, and Fund Management
- IGDK: Interscholastic Extracurricular Eligibility
- IGEE: Diplomas for Special Circumstances
- IIA: Instructional Materials
- IIAC: Library Materials and Supports
- IIBH: District Websites and Social Media
- IICA: Field Trips
- IICC: Volunteers
- IJA: Career Advising
- IKA: Grading Systems and Student Progress
- IKB: Homework
- IKE: Promotion and Retention of Students
- IKEB: Student Acceleration
- IKF: Graduation Requirements
- IKFB: Graduation Exercises
- IKFC: Graduation Plans and Students at Risk of Not Qualifying for a High School Diploma
- IL: Testing and Assessment
- IND: School Ceremonies, Religious Observances, and Patriotic Exercises
- Cleveland Metropolitan School District
- IGCH: College Credit Plus
IGCH: College Credit Plus
The College Credit Plus (CCP) program promotes rigorous academic pursuits and exposes students to options beyond the high school classroom. Eligible 7th through 12th-grade students may enroll at any participating college or university full-time or part-time. In addition, these students may complete nonsectarian, nonremedial courses for high school and college credit.
The Board directs the Chief Executive Officer or their designee to develop and establish procedures and necessary administrative guidelines to ensure that programs follow State requirements.
The District must send written notice of a student's expulsion to the college where the student is taking courses to receive high school credit. The notice must state the expiration date of the expulsion and whether the Board denied high school credit for postsecondary education courses taken during the expulsion. If the District extends the expulsion period, the Chief Executive Officer must notify the college of the extension.
- Adopted: April 24, 2001
- Amended: March 29, 2022
Legal References