• IKFB: Graduation Exercises


    Any student having completed all requirements for graduation is eligible to participate in the graduation exercises conducted by the District. Students participating in the ceremony must meet all graduation requirements.

    • Students must complete all requirements in the Ohio Revised Code, set by the Ohio Department of Education, and established by the Board of Education of the Cleveland Municipal School District.
    • Students graduating early must have explicit written approval from their principal.
    • Students must pay all financial obligations to the District.
    • A student must satisfactorily complete all disciplinary obligations.
    • Students must participate in graduation rehearsals to participate in the graduation ceremonies.
    • Students participating in the ceremony must wear the prescribed cap and gown. However, no school may deny a student the ability to participate because of the inability to pay for the specified cap and gown.
    • Before graduation, misconduct that results in suspension or expulsion may result in denial of participation in graduation ceremonies.
    • Students eligible to participate in the graduation ceremony will exhibit appropriate behavior.

    Student representatives may speak for and to the class during graduation exercises. The graduating class may select these students, or the school may choose them for their high academic achievement. The selected students must discuss the content of such speeches with an administrator before their presentation.


    • Adopted: September 6, 2001
    • Amended: March 29, 2022

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