Section I
Page Navigation
- Policies by Section
- IA: Instructional Goals
- IB: Academic Freedom
- IC: School Calendar and Day
- IE: Organization of Facilities for Instruction
- IF: Curriculum Development and Adoption
- IGAB: Human Relations Education
- IGAC: Teaching about Religion
- IGAG: Drugs, Alcohol, and Tobacco Education
- IGAH: Family Life Education and Sex Education
- IGBA: Programs for Students with Disabilities
- IGBB: Programs for Students Who Are Gifted and Talented
- IGBE: Remedial Instruction
- IGBG: Home-Bound Instruction
- IGBH: Nontraditional Education Programs
- IGBI: English Learners
- IGBJ: Title 1 Programs
- IGBL: Family Engagement
- IGBM: Credit Flexibility
- IGCD: Educational Options
- IGCF: Home School
- IGCH: College Credit Plus
- IGCI: Community Service
- IGD: Cocurricular and Extracurricular Activities
- IGDB: Student Publications
- IGDC: Student Social Events
- IGDF: Fundraising, Crowd Funding, and Fund Management
- IGDK: Interscholastic Extracurricular Eligibility
- IGEE: Diplomas for Special Circumstances
- IIA: Instructional Materials
- IIAC: Library Materials and Supports
- IIBH: District Websites and Social Media
- IICA: Field Trips
- IICC: Volunteers
- IJA: Career Advising
- IKA: Grading Systems and Student Progress
- IKB: Homework
- IKE: Promotion and Retention of Students
- IKEB: Student Acceleration
- IKF: Graduation Requirements
- IKFB: Graduation Exercises
- IKFC: Graduation Plans and Students at Risk of Not Qualifying for a High School Diploma
- IL: Testing and Assessment
- IND: School Ceremonies, Religious Observances, and Patriotic Exercises
- Cleveland Metropolitan School District
- IGEE: Diplomas for Special Circumstances
IGEE: Diplomas for Special Circumstances
Veteran Diplomas
To recognize the contributions and sacrifices made by veterans who left high school before graduation to serve in the armed forces during World War II, the Korean Conflict, or the Vietnam Conflict, the Board may award a high school diploma to any veteran of this state, or posthumously to a living relative of a deceased veteran of this state, who meets the requirements established by State law.
The Board may grant a diploma to a World War II, Korean Conflict, or Vietnam Conflict veteran if all of the following apply.
- The veteran either left a public or nonpublic high school located in any state before graduation to serve in the armed forces of the United States or due to family circumstances and subsequently entered the armed forces of the United States.
- The veteran received an honorable discharge from the armed forces of the United States.
- Another school has not granted the veteran a diploma, honors diploma, adult education diploma, or a diploma from another school.
For purposes of this section:
- “World War II veteran” means any veteran who performed wartime services between September 16, 1940, and December 31, 1946
- “Korean War veteran” means any veteran who performed military service between June 27, 1950, and January 31, 1955
- “Vietnam Conflict veteran” means any veteran who performed military service between February 28, 1961, and May 7, 1975.
The veteran is not required to take the high school equivalency tests approved by the Ohio Department of Education or any graduation test to qualify for a diploma.
The Governor’s Office of Veterans’ Affairs has developed and adopted an application form for all county veterans’ service offices. Upon verification that the individual met all requirements, the application is forwarded to the Board. The Board may then award the diploma.
The Board may grant a high school diploma to any woman who left high school in any state during World War II, the Korean Conflict, or the Vietnam Conflict if the woman either:
- Left school to join the workforce to support her family or to join the war effort
- Left school due to family circumstances and joined the workforce or the war effort
The woman must either be a current resident of Ohio or have been previously enrolled in an Ohio high school.
Veterans’ diplomas are presented in conjunction with appropriate events, programs, or other occasions, as determined by the Superintendent.
Posthumous and Honorary Diplomas
To recognize individuals who died while enrolled in the District or experienced significant hardship and were unable to graduate, the Board or Chief Executive Officer may award a posthumous or honorary diploma. A posthumous or honorary diploma carries no legal rights and benefits.
- Adopted: March 29, 2022
Legal References