Section I
Page Navigation
- Policies by Section
- IA: Instructional Goals
- IB: Academic Freedom
- IC: School Calendar and Day
- IE: Organization of Facilities for Instruction
- IF: Curriculum Development and Adoption
- IGAB: Human Relations Education
- IGAC: Teaching about Religion
- IGAG: Drugs, Alcohol, and Tobacco Education
- IGAH: Family Life Education and Sex Education
- IGBA: Programs for Students with Disabilities
- IGBB: Programs for Students Who Are Gifted and Talented
- IGBE: Remedial Instruction
- IGBG: Home-Bound Instruction
- IGBH: Nontraditional Education Programs
- IGBI: English Learners
- IGBJ: Title 1 Programs
- IGBL: Family Engagement
- IGBM: Credit Flexibility
- IGCD: Educational Options
- IGCF: Home School
- IGCH: College Credit Plus
- IGCI: Community Service
- IGD: Cocurricular and Extracurricular Activities
- IGDB: Student Publications
- IGDC: Student Social Events
- IGDF: Fundraising, Crowd Funding, and Fund Management
- IGDK: Interscholastic Extracurricular Eligibility
- IGEE: Diplomas for Special Circumstances
- IIA: Instructional Materials
- IIAC: Library Materials and Supports
- IIBH: District Websites and Social Media
- IICA: Field Trips
- IICC: Volunteers
- IJA: Career Advising
- IKA: Grading Systems and Student Progress
- IKB: Homework
- IKE: Promotion and Retention of Students
- IKEB: Student Acceleration
- IKF: Graduation Requirements
- IKFB: Graduation Exercises
- IKFC: Graduation Plans and Students at Risk of Not Qualifying for a High School Diploma
- IL: Testing and Assessment
- IND: School Ceremonies, Religious Observances, and Patriotic Exercises
- Cleveland Metropolitan School District
- IKEB: Student Acceleration
IKEB: Student Acceleration
The Board recognizes that all students learn and progress at different rates and that the time it takes to reach academic standards varies among students. The Board believes students should be challenged and supported to reach their full potential and that the practice of educational acceleration matches appropriate learning opportunities with student abilities. The acceleration goals are to adjust the pace of instruction to the student’s capabilities, provide an appropriate level of challenge, and reduce the time necessary for students to complete traditional schooling.
The District uses acceleration strategies in four academic areas.
- Whole-grade acceleration: The practice of assigning a student on a full-time basis to a higher grade level than is typical, given the student’s age, to provide access to appropriately challenging learning opportunities.
- Individual subject acceleration: The practice of assigning a student to a higher grade level than is typical, given the student’s age, to provide access to appropriately challenging learning opportunities in one or more subject areas.
- Early admission to kindergarten: The practice of admitting a student to kindergarten who has not yet reached the typical age at which students are admitted to kindergarten to provide access to appropriately challenging learning opportunities.
- Early high school graduation: The practice of facilitating the completion of the high school program in fewer than four years to provide earlier than typical access to postsecondary educational opportunities.
Any individual may refer students to the principal or appropriate District office to evaluate and assess. The school tests students who have been referred and have parental permission using a variety of assessments. Copies of this policy and referral forms for evaluation for possible early entrance, whole-grade acceleration, individual subject acceleration, and early high school graduation are available to District staff and parents at each school building and on the District website. An acceleration evaluation committee reviews the assessments to determine the most appropriate and available learning environment for the students.
The committee issues a written recommendation to the principal and the students’ parents. Parents have the right to appeal the committee’s recommendation to the Chief Executive Officer or designee.
The committee develops a written acceleration plan for any student admitted early to kindergarten, offered whole-grade acceleration, or accelerated in one or more individual subject areas. The school provides a student’s parents with a copy of the written plan.
The Board directs the administration to develop rules for referring and evaluating students who may qualify for acceleration services.
- Adopted: June 26, 2007
- Amended: March 29, 2022
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